Sunday, January 1, 2012

I can see clearly now . . .

. . . the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright
sun-shiny day.

Well, that pity party is over for another year.  (I think.)

Time may not be my best friend, but I think we can tolerate each other for awhile again.  But really, what are my choices?  To wallow or to weather the storm.

I'm going to concentrate on myself this year.  To find out who exactly I am.  To face the fears and tackle them one by one.  To actually write goals/dreams/plans down so I have to work on them each and every day and not dismiss them as trivial.  I'm not going to worry about what other people think.  After all, I am ultimately the only person standing in my way! 

It is back to business -- back to DREAMING BIG!

Thank you, my lovlies, for the encouragement and kind words.  They helped more than you could ever know.

2012 - I'm ready!


Joanna said...

Happy New Year! 2012 sounds like it's going to be your year of self discovery and acceptance. As you say, you are the only person standing in your way - we think you're FAB!


Victorian1885 said...

Happy New Year Connie! I look forward to sharing your journey through 2012!


Blessed Serendipity said...

I often lack the confidence to dream big. We all deserve to dream big and to try something new and not worry about what others think. You deserve big dreams.


Wanda Lee said...

Hello there!

I am going to try and follow you in just a moment, yet I wanted to encourage you and thank you for posting this post as well.I so agree with your every word!

I do not know what you may have been through , (being new to your blog), yet the name of your blog intrigued me .., so that is why I decide to pop by and pay you a visit.

May you indeed have the New Year in 2012 that you dream of creating dear lady!

Perhaps you'll pop by and say 'hello' and also follow me..,

Hugs and blessings from Wanda Lee

Kmcblackburn said...

Oh my goodness, great minds and all. You'll have to take a look at my blog post tomorrow. Kind of similar thoughts :). I think 2012 is going to be a year of discover for BOTH of us! Can't wait.


Donna said...

What a great start for the year! 2012 better put up its dukes because I am going to take it on! Sounds like you will too!

Pam @ Frippery said...

Love this post. December can be the happiest and saddest of months all rolled into one. The older I get the more I am up and down and all over the place emotionally at Christmas. It's all that ending, and one more year passed by, and people who are no longer here, and kids grown, oh my, no wonder we get a bit weepy. The New Year always dawns fresh and squeaky clean and ready for new possibilities. I wish you all good things this year, Pam

Lee Weber said...

I think putting things in writing does a lot- takes the fear out, takes some of the apprehension away, makes u evaluate what is important and what can be tossed... I want to try coming up with some lists too!

Susanne said...

Glad you made it through, all the best with tackling the blahs for good and taking care of you this year.

I haven't been in blogland much lately, so just catching up on all your posts. Love the tree in the suitcase "stand" and the trees in the jars, especially the large blue ball jar.